Langley Climate Element

City of Langley


BHC is working on a team of consultants to prepare the City of Langley’s first Climate Element of their Comprehensive Plan. BHC is responsible for the development of goals and policies to address Langley’s climate concerns and priorities, policy gaps, and the new climate planning requirements of the GMA under HB 1181 (2023). The BHC team has co-facilitated public climate workshops, City Council meetings, and Joint Commission meetings (which included commissions such as the Climate Crisis Action Commission and the Dismantling Systemic Racism Commission, among others). The aim of these workshops was to outline the new climate planning requirements, discuss the city’s climate priorities and concerns, and provide an overview of the City’s high-level greenhouse gas emissions profile and potential climate impacts. BHC is now preparing the Climate Element to incorporate diverse feedback from residents, citywide commissions, city staff, and other relevant stakeholders, while addressing how the City can bolster its resilience to climate impacts and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.


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