Eli Mulberry, AICP

Eli Mulberry

BHC Since: 2021

Registration/Certification: Professional Planner, American Institute of Certified Planners

Education: MUP, Master of Urban Planning at University of Washington MPA, Master of Public Administration at University of Washington BA, Environmental Studies at Knox College

Bio: Eli grew up in Tacoma, Washington, and has livedin a variety of places, including urban Seattle, Galesburg, Illinois (where heattended college), and Thailand for a study abroad experience. He also servedfor two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in a small coastal town in thePhilippines. Before transitioning to a career in planning, Eli spent over threeyears working in natural resource conservation, focusing on fisheries andcoastal resources. As a planner, Eli is committed to responsiveness and tailoringhis approach to meet each client's unique planning and policy needs. He ispassionate about fostering community resilience, promoting equity, andintegrating climate change considerations into his work. Outside of work, heenjoys reading, listening to podcasts during walks, playing board games, andexploring new destinations through travel.


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